Today I met with the liver surgeon. This was surgeon number two. Right off the bat, I got a good feeling at the office. Turns out that his medical assistant is a woman who worked for me 20 years ago. She had moved on to California for new horizons and had returned to care for her ailing mother during the last year. I recognized her immediately. I had bought an art print from her when she was moving that I still have displayed in the laboratory. We had lots to talk about, and it is reassuring to have an old friend on the inside to give me the inside scoop. She thinks my surgeon is a pretty good guy so that is good too.
As far as the prognosis goes, he is planning a two stage surgery. First the other guy goes after the colon cancer. After I recover from that for a few weeks, he goes in an does a combo surgery on the liver where the cut out the worst of the lesions and microwave the remaining masses to death. Second good news here. All of the equipment he needs is at my hospital, so I can have all of my surgeries at Genesys. That makes me feel good too. It is nice to know all of my friends from all of my years at the hospital will be looking out for me.
So, we have a plan. It involves a whole lot of stuff for me and that can be scary, but I would rather have a plan to anticipate than not knowing what comes next.
The games afoot!
As far as the prognosis goes, he is planning a two stage surgery. First the other guy goes after the colon cancer. After I recover from that for a few weeks, he goes in an does a combo surgery on the liver where the cut out the worst of the lesions and microwave the remaining masses to death. Second good news here. All of the equipment he needs is at my hospital, so I can have all of my surgeries at Genesys. That makes me feel good too. It is nice to know all of my friends from all of my years at the hospital will be looking out for me.
So, we have a plan. It involves a whole lot of stuff for me and that can be scary, but I would rather have a plan to anticipate than not knowing what comes next.
The games afoot!
This is such exciting news and overall very good news. I'll get into the kitchen... any requests?
Well, since you asked, your corn chowder is excellent and of course your potato leek soup is without peer!
Whew... some reliefs there.
Btw I have comments for you, and I WILL send them this week - no more blaming the whirlygig of time.
corn chowder & potato leek on the way (Ken taste tested and you are safe... if I can keep him from eating any more!)
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