Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fighting Shadows

"Put this in any liquid thing you will,

And drink it off;

and, if you had the strength Of twenty men, it would dispatch you straight".

-Romeo and Juliet Act V

It was a cold, rainy November morning when I first started drinking the poison.

It wasn’t so bad, not at first. I felt mostly normal. Two days later the poison visited its first pangs. I felt like death. How could I do this? How could I continue doing this? How would I function? Will it get worse? Better? Stay the same? Sweet, sweet poison that will kill that part of me that has rebelled and gone off on its own, determined to be itself. Hopefully enough of me will survive to carry out the judgment when the rebel has surrendered. I will show no mercy. I cannot.

When it is weak and vulnerable, I will come at it in the dark, with my bright lights blazing and my gleaming knives out sharp and ready, to cast it from me and declare that this territory is defended and will not accept the rebel, ever.

It is all I can do.

Now, I drink again.

-thoughts on Chemotherapy


ashtanga en cevennes said...

What a beautiful post, Richard. Ça pique.

Defend your territory, keep defending. Could you do with some French artisan chocolate reinforcements at your house? I'd like to send some along. Are you guys light or dark chocolate people?

dramamama said...

I agree- a lovely post.

You are not alone. We are all with you, light in the shadows...

Beth said...
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Beth said...

It's almost terrifying how beautiful and powerful your words are here.

I believe that your spirit is even more powerful than your words, and stronger than your enemy.

-writables said...

Thank you all for the lovely comments. It's nice to know someone is out there reading. BTW, dark chocolate. Merci.